Urban Dawgs, LLC and Modern Dog Training dot com will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training and care of your dog and will endeavor to offer only sound, safe, and responsible training, care, management, and training instructions. However, you recognize that Urban Dawgs, LLC DBA Modern Dog Training is not responsible for any unintentional errors, omissions, or incorrect assertions or misunderstandings about behavior and training of dogs. I understand that the recommendation of any other product or service is not a guarantee of my satisfaction with that product or service. Further, you will remain responsible for the actions of your dog at all times and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Urban Dawgs, LLC and Modern Dog Training and it’s subsidiaries of any and all claims of injury, expense, costs, or damages caused by the actions of my dog and understand the inherent risks in owning a dog, including but not limited to the risk of dog bites to myself or others.
Terms of Service